Chase Oil Painting Restoration
Preserving Our Artistic History One Painting At A Time
My goal is to preserve our artistic history. Each painting I accept for restoration is treated with the utmost respect regardless of its monetary value. Whether the painting is a family heirloom or a valuable piece from a museum, each is handled as it were my own.

Services Offered:
Cleaning and varnish removal
Repair tears, rips, and abrasions
Reattach lifting and flaking paint
Lining of old and or weak canvases
Reversing inappropriate repairs
Tighten lax canvas and repair damaged tack edges
Condition/Treatment Report with photo documentation
Specializing in works on canvas and board
Code of Ethics:
We respect the aesthetic, historic and spiritual significance and the physical integrity of the paintings entrusted to our care.
We will work to the highest standards regardless of any opinion of the market value of the painting.
We apply the "principle of reversibility" in all treatments, avoiding the use of materials which cannot be undone if that should become desirable.
We assert the right in all circumstances to refuse any restoration or procedure which we believe is contrary to the proper treatment or preservation of the painting.
We have an informed respect for the cultural property, its unique character and significance, and the people or person who created it.
We follow a “less is more” approach to restorations. We do only what we deem is absolutely necessary. The ultimate goal is to keep the painting as original as possible while preserving it for future generations.
All treatments are fully reversible and follow AIC (American Institute for Conservators) Guidelines.
All restorations are done here. There is no “farming out” of any work.